Name Selection


In our Chinese Name Selection (姓名学) process, we will take into the consideration of the person’s Chinese Horoscope (生肖), BaZi (八字) Profile and its Five Elements (五行) to improve their destiny and luck.

Kindly contact us at 65-9181 0139 to make an appointment with Master Daniel Ong.


Daniel Ong
Singapore Feng Shui Master


Name Selection

Ancient Chinese firmly believed that having good and auspicious name for their babies will give their children a head start in life. By calling and writing their auspicious names from young, they will receive the positive energies that affect their career, wealth, health, romance and academic luck in life.

In our Chinese Name Selection (姓名学) process, we will take into the consideration of the person’s Chinese Horoscope (十二生肖), Bazi (八字) Profile and its Five Elements (五行) to improve their destiny and luck.

Kindly call or WhatsApp 65-91810139 or email to for further enquiries.