
Residential Home Feng Shui Consultation

We do not advocate purchasing of Feng Shui accessories and ornaments for your homes or offices unless it is necessary.

Kindly contact us at 65-9181 0139 to make an appointment with Master Daniel Ong for the best Feng Shui solutions for your homes and offices.

Bazi Reading

Your future is not cast in stone.

Understanding your Bazi and taking initiative to make appropriate CHANGES will lead you to make better decisions and lead a more fulfilling and happy life.

Kindly contact us at 65-9181 0139 to make an appointment with Master Daniel Ong.

Flying Star Zi Wei Dou Shu Reading

Your future is not cast in stone.

Understanding your Zi Wei and taking initiative to make appropriate CHANGES will lead you to make better decisions and lead a more fulfilling and happy life.

Kindly contact us at 65-9181 0139 to make an appointment with Master Daniel Ong.

Yi Jing Divination

The outcome of divination is not cast in stone.

It is meant to provide you with information that you do not know, so that you can take the appropriate actions to achieve or influence the outcome you so desire.

Kindly contact us at 65-9181 0139 to make an appointment with Master Daniel Ong.

Tarot Reading

Life is never a smooth and easy ride. Sometimes we are feeling lost because circumstances can change unexpectedly. However, things always happen for a reason and each of it is a lesson we need to learn to build our resilience, strength and confidence.

Kindly contact us at 65-9181 0139 to make an appointment with Master Daniel Ong.

Date Selection

Date Selection (择日学) has been commonly used by Chinese Feng Shui Masters for selecting auspicious dates for important events such as Feng Shui remedies or activation, starting of renovation, ground breaking, marriage and moving house.

Kindly contact us at 65-9181 0139 to make an appointment with Master Daniel Ong.

Name Selection

In our Chinese Name Selection (姓名学) process, we will take into the consideration of the person’s Chinese Horoscope (生肖), BaZi (八字) Profile and its Five Elements (五行) to improve their destiny and luck.

Kindly contact us at 65-9181 0139 to make an appointment with Master Daniel Ong.